Luke is seven months now and we've survived the first hurdle of parenting. I've been reflecting these past few weeks on the advice I wish someone had told me. To be honest, maybe someone did say it to me but I just can't remember!
Read on to find out my best advice for surviving these tricky months...when you believe you'll never feel like a normal human being again!
Read on to find out my best advice for surviving these tricky months...when you believe you'll never feel like a normal human being again!
This may be one of the only times that people are willing to do your laundry, cook you a meal or watch your baby while you sleep. Seriously, take them up on the offer!
My mom and dad stocked our fridge with grab & go snacks and meals from Costco so dinner was one less thing we needed to think about.
When my sweet friend visited she brought over burritos without even telling me. It was honestly one of the kindest things - so unexpected & we were so grateful for a night off from cooking!
And there were times when my sister would come over for a visit and end up doing a load or two of laundry {and even scrubbed my toilets}
If you do not have a newborn and you want to be an amazing friend, drop a meal off! I promise it'll be greatly appreciated.
I swear this is the advice I got the most. However, when Luke slept, I didn’t want to sleep! I wanted to catch up on TV shows, lay on the couch and read a magazine or call my mom {begging for parenting advice!}
It’s okay to not nap when your baby naps! I always felt like if I fell asleep I wouldn’t hear him cry or would fall into a deep sleep. My time was better spent relaxing.
From the day after I delivered Luke {via c-section} I took a shower every day.
In the beginning, you feel all nasty and crazy stuff is happening to your body 😜 Taking a quick shower always made me feel human again!
Yes, the baby may cry if you put him down or walk away. But that five minutes that you spend in the shower is restorative and worth it. That five minutes that the baby may cry is not going to harm anyone!
I would sometimes drag Luke's Boppy Lounger into the bathroom and plop him into it while I showered. We all survived!
I would sometimes drag Luke's Boppy Lounger into the bathroom and plop him into it while I showered. We all survived!
It is absolutely okay to let your baby exercise those lungs a little. I’m sure you’ve heard you can’t spoil a newborn, but sometimes you just need a break for your own sanity.
Someone suggested going two doors away from your crying baby. If it helps, do it!
I’m not much of a relaxer. My mind is going at all times and I get restless if I don’t leave the house each day.
Unfortunately, very soon after Luke was born the terrible wildfires ravaged California. Although we are hundreds of miles away, the air quality was so poor I couldn’t leave the house because of his delicate lungs. Some days I was climbing the walls. I would walk out to the car just to leave the confines of my home!
When Luke was almost three weeks old my sister dragged me out of the house to do a paint night at her kids' school. I'm by no means an artist, but every time I look at this painting hanging in my bathroom, it reminds me that I am more than just Luke's mom.
Find a reason to leave - a walk with the baby, date night with your partner, a solo trip to the bookstore. Just get out!
Find a reason to leave - a walk with the baby, date night with your partner, a solo trip to the bookstore. Just get out!
This is my best piece of advice. You do you!
Everyone has an opinion on how you’re raising the baby. Guess what?! They had their turn to name their baby/feed their baby/fill in the blank for their baby.
Everyone has an opinion on how you’re raising the baby. Guess what?! They had their turn to name their baby/feed their baby/fill in the blank for their baby.
Do not let them {or me!} steer you into something that you do no want.
Enjoy these newborn days. They seriously go by in a flash!
Enjoy these newborn days. They seriously go by in a flash!
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